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深圳市拓業金屬材料有限公司,從成(chéng)立至今一直秉承“客戶至上,品質保障”的理念, 在近二十年的拼搏和發(fā)展中不斷壯大,現已發(fā)展成(chéng)爲具有規模的大型企業。


公司主要 産品有各種(zhǒng)銅材、鋁材、不鏽鋼等幾大類,各種(zhǒng)型号尺寸均備有大量的現貨,倉儲供應一 應俱全,公司還(hái)配備高質量的大型切割設備爲客戶所需提供一站式的便利服務。 公司的優良産品在多個行業中均有發(fā)揮優良的性能(néng),表現佳,廣泛應用于航空、海運、 汽車、電子通訊、半導體、五金模具、治具夾具,機械設備以及各種(zhǒng)零部件等行業。


“以服務提升價值,緻力成(chéng)爲國(guó)内有色金屬行業的服務商”是我們的企業宗旨,歡迎 各界新老客戶莅臨指導,與我們一起(qǐ)攜手共創輝煌未來。


本公司主要經(jīng)營銅材,鋁材,不鏽鋼材料幾大類 銅材:銅(ROHS)、錫青銅、杯士銅、紅銅、黃銅、磷青銅、鋁青銅、鉻銅、铍 銅、鎢銅等各種(zhǒng)闆、棒、管、帶、線材料。


鋁材:鋁(ROHS)(7075、6061、6063、5052、5083、2024、1100…)進(jìn)口 和國(guó)産的各種(zhǒng)闆、棒、管、帶、線材料。






Shenzhen YONSDE metal materials Co., Ltd. with twenty years’development, and always obedience to the philosophy “Customer first, Quality first”,has been grown to be a large-scaleenterprise with a certain scale.The main products of our 
company are various copper materials,aluminum materials and stainless steel products, with all kinds of models andmeasurements materials in stock and sufficient storage supply. In additional, we have the high quality large cutting equipments, so we can provide the one-stop services for our good customers.


The company's quality products are in various industries play excellent performance, excellent performance, are widely used in aviation, shipping, automobile, electronic communications, semiconductor, metal molds, tooling fixtures, machinery equipment and parts industry.

"Good services to enhance brand value,Is committed to become thedomestic non-ferrous metal " is our business purposes, welcome new and old customers to visit and give guidance, and we work together to create a brilliant future.


深圳市拓業金屬材料有限公司 版權所有© 2021